A sus 73 años, pierde 30 kilos y ahora es modelo fitness

A sus 73 años, pierde 30 kilos y ahora es modelo fitness

Foto: Instagram

Una mujer de 73 años ha sorprendido las redes sociales al convertirse en una modelo fitness al presumir cómo perdió 30 kilos a su avanzada edad.


Joan McDonald ha compartido su historia con medios locales de Ontario, Canadá, relatando que cuando tenía 70 años estaba pasando por un problema en su matrimonio derivado principalmente por el sobrepeso que padecía que la hacía menos atractiva a su pareja.


La depresión que vivió la mujer la llevó a cuestionarse su forma de vida; además, debido a que pesaba 90 kilos, los médicos la sometieron a un tratamiento para la presión arterial alta y la enfermedad renal que padecía por la obesidad.



Sin embargo, su hija Michelle le puso un ultimátum: mejorar su salud con ayuda de ejercicio o internarla en un hospital para tratar sus malestares.


Joan decidió entrar a un gimnasio con su hija para entrenar juntos y perder los kilos de más que le estaban ocasionando problemas de salud; empero, nunca imaginó que su historia se volvería un ejemplo a seguir, pues en tres años logró perder 30 kilos con ayuda de ejercicios, alimentación balanceada, beber tres litros de agua y hasta meditación.


Ahora, la mujer presume cómo ha mejorado su vida con el ejercicio, mostrándose incluso en ajustados trajes para que sus seguidores puedan ver todos los kilos que ha perdido en estos años; además, comparte consejos para que otras mujeres puedan cambiar su alimentación y se sientan bien consigo mismas.




Here’s a great circuit you can do at home or on the beach, courtesy of my coach, @yourhealthyhedonista ! ???? . Don’t forget @womensbest is still celebrating their 5-year anniversary with up to 60% off EVERYTHING Link in my bio ⬆️ Thank me later ???? . Do 2 rounds, 40 seconds each as hard as you can followed by 20 seconds recovery, for a total of 20 minutes ???????? . 1) partner squats: do 10 body weight squats while your partner does an isometric hold squat, then keep switching roles. Your legs will be trembling! 2) push ups! If you can’t do strict pushups yet, try incline push ups keeping a tight plank (better than kneeling pushups if you have a goal to one day master them ????) 3) walking lunges! Practice good form by staying upright, squeezing the glutes to keep the hips stable and the knees tracking over your toes 4) crab walks! ???? these are fun and hard on the triceps! ???? 5) curtesy lunges: just like the walking lunges keep the glutes engaged, and the core tight, staying upright and making the lower body do the work ???? 6) shuttle runs!! ???? pick a 10-yard space and run back and forth as fast as you can, tapping the imaginary line and pivoting like a gazelle (or a 74-year lady in my case ????) 7) side lunges: so hard! Glutes tight, strong core, and upper body as upright as you can get it! 8) plank to “T”: keep a tight plank, glutes engaged throughout. A great core and triceps ????????‍♀️ 9) front lunges: same form as the other lunges. ???? 10) plank To Touch: again, keep a tight plank, and the hand touches the alternate leg. The shoulders get worked here too! ???? . Have a go girls and let me know how it goes! . Because you asked, I wear a small bottom and a medium top, and Michelle wears XS bottoms and a small top. Happy Tuesday!

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"Cambiar tu vida no es tan complicado como queremos hacernos creer. Para crear cambios significativos tenemos que crear nuevos hábitos diarios. Es así, fin de la historia", explica la anciana. "No nos podemos rendir en la línea de meta. Tenemos que aprender a querernos de verdad y continuar animándonos a crecer en la dirección correcta", aseguró la mujer. 


Sin duda, Joan es el ejemplo de cuando se quiere se puede. 



I think the last time I wore a bikini like this was during a holiday in Florida, just before my third child. I was about 27 years old, so young and hopeful as to what life had in store for me and my budding family. So much has happened since that time, so many adventures, hard times, joys, tragedies, triumphs and disappointments. That’s life, isn’t it? It’s a marvelous unwinding ball of yarn that goes this way and that and we don’t always know how to make sense of it all until we get to the end of it. If I could go back in time and whisper in my ear what would I say? “My dear, do not forget to take care of yourself while you are taking care of everybody else around you.” “Be mindful. If you can learn to be present in each moment you will make better choices, build richer relationships and live a more fulfilled life” “Develop your patience and try not to get too caught up in the little things” “Try to see life as an adventure, and look for ways to keep exploring who you are and having fun” “Learn more about food and what it does for your body. Health is so important if you want to be able to enjoy yourself” “Love yourself and know you are worthy of that love ????”. . If there was one thing you could say to your younger self, what would it be? I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, stay healthy and stay strong! ???? With love, Joan ????

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